Sunday, October 30, 2011

I have wanted to create a blog for quite a while, to keep in touch with the people who are familiar with my work and to introduce my work to those who might just stumble across it here.
I just finished photographing some new work for the 2012 show applications so will post the images I am most please with.
All my prints are my designs and are printed on white silk. The scarves and clothing are pieced from these prints. 


  1. Don't worry, just post. It is fluid, changeable, updateable.
    Advice from a non expert

  2. Looks great, Sally.... welcome to the world of blogging! If you get into the habit, it's easy to post on a regular basis. (I still need to make it a regular habit.) I'll follow you and you can follow me at
    Having followers makes it inspiring to post, especially when they leave comments and you feel like someone is actually out there reading and enjoying. Have fun!

  3. You really do gorgeous work with your designs and colors. I am a beginner art/quilter and looking at your silk designs makes me want to find creative ways to mix silk with the cottons I use. I don't blog much but will follow yours as you go along-Love the silk tops!

  4. Sally--I agree, your tops are beautiful. Didn't see any of these at the ACC Fair in Baltimore? Did I miss them? Sent you an e-mail labeled "scraps"--hopefully you didn't think it was junk mail!! I'll be following your blog--I'm new at this, too!

  5. Very nice Design and Fabric Printings. The clothing and fabrics are all printed by yourselves? welcome to see our site if there is any needs
